Meet Ali:

My name is Ali. Having grown up in a holistic household, energy work and the healing arts have always been normal for me. I started studying Reiki and Reflexology when I was 18 years old and have been receiving it since I was a baby. My mom was a big believer in alternative medicine and the healing practices. I grew up using Reflexology and Reiki to soothe my anxiety, eventually learning the art of Reiki so I could start sharing it with others. My journey with Astrology also started from around the time I was born, again thanks to my Mom. She always jokes about watching the clock as she was giving birth to me so she would know my exact birth time. My own curiosity about Astrology really kicked in around 26 years old. I received my first personal natal chart reading around than and after that, I was hooked! I always joke that I learned more about myself from that one reading than I did from any other type of therapy session. I respect and believe in traditional therapy ( I have a B.A. in psychology) , but I believe that the blending of the two really allows you to learn more about yourself in a deeper way. Astrology provides you with the tool kit to navigate and understand your inner world, which is what it did for me.  Feel free to learn more about Reiki, Astrology, and the services I provide under the “Services” tab.

With love,
