Ali Tamburo Ali Tamburo

2nd Full Moon in Capricorn

2nd Full Moon in Capricorn July 21st The lunar cycle is reset with this second full moon in 29 degrees Capricorn. 29 degrees in astrology is a critical degree! It is the last degree of the zodiac and represents endings, change, and the process of letting go in order to bring something new into your life! The full moon will be taking place at 6:17 am. This moon marks an ending of a chapter in your life or a completion point. What works and what doesn’t work for you ? Capricorn is a very practical sign. What are the things that you no longer need or want. There can be an internal struggle because the sun is in cancer. For example you may know you need to let this go of something or someone, but still feel attached to it. That is because the sun is in cancer making an opposition to the moon in Capricorn. Cancer energy forms emotional attachment to things and sometimes holds onto memories or feeling for longer than they should. This second Full Moon wants us to ask ourselves does this serve me in the future and if it doesn’t you must let it go. Don’t be to hard on yourself because we aren’t suppose to have it all figured out. But this full moon wants you to be practical and figure out what you want to bring with you into the next chapter of your life! Things are changing there is no doubt about that. Once Pluto moves fully into Aquarius get ready to see major changes in the collective and within your own life. We all need to know what works for us and what does not work for us because we must let go of what isn’t working in order to make room for what is next. A new chapter awaits for all of us! With Pluto moving into Aquarius we are all experiencing new territory none of us have been here before. So like I said before don’t be too hard on yourself, but this Capricorn Full Moon is asking you to be practical and take responsibility for yourself and the future you want to create ✨✨✨

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Ali Tamburo Ali Tamburo

Cancer New Moon July 5th 2024

There is a new Lunar Cycle starting . The lunar cycle is meant to begin with a new moon in a sign and end with a full moon in the opposite sign. We were in a lunar reversal since April 2023. We had a full moon first then a new moon in the opposite sign. Now the Lunar cycle is reset! This makes this New Moon in Cancer very Potent! We have two full moons in Capricorn that rest the Lunar cycle into its natural flow. This is an important new moon. It is time to begin something new.

How are you taking care of your energy? Are you allowing yourself to feel your feelings? Remember you have to feel it to heal it! Are you releasing things that no longer serve you. And last, but not least it is time to cleanse your energy in order to begin a new chapter.

This New Moon is squaring Chiron ( the wounded healer) and opposing ceres ( how you nurture yourself and others). In astrology these two astroids are pivotal when we learn about what are needs are and how to nurture ourselves. Make sure you are taking care of your own needs and feelings. Are you receiving as much as you are giving? What are the healthy relationships you have in your life? How can we continue to grow these relationships? 

Cancer loves to feel safe and secure. When you think about Cancer energy picture the coziest room in your house and how that room makes you feel! That is what Cancer loves to feel. When we feel safe and secure we are able to be more in touch with our emotional world and more aware of how our emotions affect ourselves and others!

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Ali Tamburo Ali Tamburo

Saturn Retrogade in Pisces

Saturn in Pisces is about endings! How are you spiritually evolving through experiences you have lived through. During this retrograde it is time to review and slow down in the area of the your chart where Saturn is retrograding. What are you ready to complete and move on from or work through? Even if it is complicated and involves many layers Saturn is asking you to put in the hard work.

Saturn is the ultimate task master. Pisces likes to hide and escape, Saturn wants you to look at something and Pisces is about your feelings and the things you cannot always necessarily see with the human eye. Saturn is helping you bring the invisible to life! What have you been hiding under the surface that you are now ready to see? During this retrograde it is a great time to explore anything you have swept under the rug or have hidden away. It is now time to shine light on all the parts of you and bring them to the surface for healing so you can share your full self with the world! The world needs you to show up as your authentic self, even if parts feel broken. Remember the broken parts let the light in. Keep shinning your light ✨💜✨

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Ali Tamburo Ali Tamburo

Cancer Season June 21- July 22 2024

Cancer season is filled with so much transformational energy. But whenever it comes to cancer the waters run deep. We start off Cancer season with the summer Solstice on June 20 followed by 1 of the 2 very potent full moons in Capricorn on June 21…YES we get not one, but two full moons in Capricorn exactly a month apart! Then we get to experience the energy of a lovely NEW moon in cancer, followed by the 2nd Full moon in Capricorn on July 21 to wrap up cancer season. Now you might be asking what this all means and I will explain because it is very powerful energy, but it also asks us all to go deep and swim in the waters of our ancestors and explore our family lineage! The fourth house in astrology is ruled by the sign of Cancer. The fourth house is all about our family lineage and ancestral patterns that we carry with us from one generation to the next. Our ancestors paved the way for us and they will always be a part of our souls journey! They are in our DNA so there story never really ends it just lives on through the future generations! This is a HUGE time for healing anything that needs to be healed within your family’s DNA. Neptune is operating in dreamy Pisces at the 29 degree which is a critical degree in astrology… anything is possible, but we just have to remember not to get lost in our day dreams…. The Full Moons in Capricorn will help us to put in the hard work and climb the mountain … Capricorn is represented by the sea goat climbing the mountain… Capricorn energy is about learning to balance the material and the emotional realms. They are known for always pushing forward, their endless resilience, and their fearless ambition. However, there is also an untamed spirit that lives in the souls of Capricorns, but they don’t always show it. During this high energy time don’t be afraid to let loose and explore your wild side, because it won’t be long before the energy of Capricorn brings us back to putting in the work, so we can climb the mountain and reach our wildest dream 💫💫💫

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Ali Tamburo Ali Tamburo

Gemini New Moon 6/6/2024

The Gemini New Moon wants us all to start something NEW or at least start thinking about something new you want to create or add into your life!! Gemini is a very curious sign… it is time to start exploring your interests to see what excites you and add more of that into your life !!! Mercury is a big player in this New Moon… mercury represents your mind, thoughts, and voice… How can you use your voice to help you attract new relationships into your life that will help you expand your potential! Saturn is also involved to you might be feeling a little restricted or you might have to wait to see things really starting to change… It is a good time to get curious and engage in new relationships and activities that excite you!!!

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Ali Tamburo Ali Tamburo

Jupiter in Gemini May 25 2024- June 9 2025

Jupiter the planet of luck, expansion, travel, and growth is moving into the sign of Gemini. This completes a 12 year cycle from the last time Jupiter was in Gemini. What was happening in your life in 2012? How has your life changed or does it need to change for this next 12 year cycle? Jupiter in Gemini wants us to expand our curiosity, get social, and GROW! Gemini’s love being social and communicating. Where are you lacking communication in your life? The energy of Jupiter will help you expand the areas of your life where you need to communicate more. It will also expand the areas in your life where you need to be more social and have fun! Gemini’s love having fun!!!! If you are a Gemini this is a LUCKY LUCKY time for you!!!! Get ready to expand your horizons and grow in the best ways possible !!!!! Use the energy of the last full moon, which was in the sign of Sagittarius to get things started. Even though Gemini and Sagittarius oppose each other, remember opposites do attract and the things that seem most challenging always help you GROW and EXPAND your horizons. Air and fire do work very well together in order to ignite things 🔥💨Just remember you can’t start a fire without a spark. Now is the time to figure out what sparks your fire and watch it grow ✨✨✨

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Ali Tamburo Ali Tamburo

Pluto in Aquarius

I wanted to talk about Pluto in Aquarius and the retrograde. This retrograde is a HUGE energy shift for the collective. Don’t fear this retrograde. There are many themes playing out during this retrograde. Pluto will travel back to the 29th degree of Capricorn. The 29 degree is a crucial degree and a turning point. There is something we all must let go of in order shift our energy and transform. Pluto invites us to look at themes of Alchemy. Alchemy is the art of transformation. The literal meaning of alchemy is to transform base metals such as copper and lead into beautiful metals such as silver and gold. Think about this as Pluto retrogrades and then moves into Aquarius. How do we use our own magic to transform into something beautiful. What skills and gifts are hidden under the surface that need to emerge? Some things to think about as Pluto retrogrades are : 💫Where are places in my life that I can shift my energy, so I can align with my highest purpose? 💫How do I let go of things that no longer serves me ? 💫What new skills and gifts do I want to bring into the world? Pluto in Aquarius is brand new energy. However, during the retrograde we will be revisiting things of the past regarding breaking old paradigms and systems that no longer serve the collective. Once Pluto moves into Aquarius for good on Nov 19 2024 get ready for fast, progressive, and brand new energy to emerge. Get ready for old systems and paradigms that are no longer serving the collective to collapse. We need to make room for new progressive energy systems to come in. Fixed signs between 0-2 degrees and Cardinal signs at the later degrees especially 29 degrees will feel this shift the most. The fixed signs are Aquarius, Taurus, Scorpio, and Leo. The Cardinal signs are Capricorn, Cancer, Aries, and Libra.

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Ali Tamburo Ali Tamburo

Jupiter Conjunct Uranus April 21 2024

In my opinion this is the biggest planetary aspect of the year. Jupiter makes a conjunction with Uranus every 14 years, but the last time they made a conjunction in the sign of Taurus was 1941. Therefore, this might be the first and last time some of us experience this conjunction, unless you are lucky enough to be in your 90s! This conjunction represents a major change. This change can be unpredictable and may seem larger than you can handle. However, where ever this change occurs in your life, it will set you free! Once you feel that sense of freedom you can move forward in the direction you are meant to. Taurus is represented by the bull. During this time remember strong and steady wins the race. Taurus is ruled by the planet Venus, so this planetary conjunction will affect our value system. Depending on where this conjunction is happening in your chart, it will allow you to take a better look at what you value most in your life and where things need to change! This conjunction is happening at 21 degrees Taurus. What planets or house does Taurus rule in your astrology ♉️

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Ali Tamburo Ali Tamburo

Solar Eclipse in Aries April 8th 2024

Total Solar Eclipse 4/8/2024 X marks the spot! This eclipse is a total solar eclipse happening in the sign of Aries. A solar eclipse takes place when the moon blocks the sun allowing us all to experience the darkness. A lot of people fear the darkness or try and run from it. This eclipse is asking you to surrender to it and release your fears in order to be brave! This eclipse is happening at 19 degrees Aries and will make an exact conjunction with Chiron at 19 degrees Aries. Chiron is the wounded healer in astrology and a big part of the story for 2024. It is important to ask ourselves how can we use our own fire in order to meet our personal needs because if our own needs aren’t being met it is very hard to show up for ourselves and others in a healthy way. The opposite sign of Aries is Libra. Libra is represented by a person holding a pair of balances. The pair of balances can represent that there is darkness and light in every relationship and situation. Remember light and darkness are one of the same so what we perceive as darkness is also light and what we perceive as light is also darkness. Depending on how we see it shapes our reality. And remember during this eclipse we are running with the shadows of the night. So surrender to the darkness and embrace the light, find what makes you feel alive and watch your dreams come true because what the world needs now more then ever is for people to do what sparks the fire with in them 🔥 Stay strong and get comfortable with your inner warrior ♈️ 💫💫💫Where is 19 degrees Aries in your chart or what planets are close to 19 degrees Aries? What house does Aries rule in your chart? This is where you will feel the eclipse the most. You can also look at what house is ruled by libra or what planets are at or close to 19 degrees libra. Libra is the opposite sign of Aries, so you may be feeling a shift in that area of your life as well💫💫💫

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Ali Tamburo Ali Tamburo

Solar Eclipse in Libra October 14 2023

The solar eclipse takes place on October 14 at 21 degrees Libra. Chiron and Pluto are big players in this eclipse and you will feel their energies. Chiron is conjunct the north node and opposing the eclipse. Pluto is also squaring the eclipse and Mercury. This eclipse is taking place in 21 degrees Libra. There is no doubt that this eclipse is focused on finding balance in your relationships. Whether they are personal, business, or any important close relationships in your life. Lessons around healing wounds of the past will be present. Chiron is the wounded healer and with Chiron conjunct the north node and opposing the eclipse the theme around healing wounds of the past in terms of relationships will be present. When do you give away to much of your power vs when do you feel empowered are two important questions to ask yourself. Where can you break the cycles in your life where you felt like your power was taken from you. With so much Libra energy in play think about ways you can find balance, peace, harmony, and see both sides in any important relationships in your life. Find the beauty of what it feels like to be in healthy relationships where both you and the other person feel heard and understood in an equal way. Eclipses can trigger important changes in your life. Be open to where you need to allow change to happen in your relationships. The energy of this eclipse will help you move in the right direction ♎️ 🌕💫

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