2nd Full Moon in Capricorn

The 2nd Full Moon in Capricorn is on July 21st. The lunar cycle is reset with this second full moon in 29 degrees Capricorn. 29 degrees in astrology is a critical degree! It is the last degree of the zodiac and represents endings, change, and the process of letting go in order to bring something new into your life! The full moon will be taking place at 6:17 am. This moon marks an ending of a chapter in your life or a completion point. What works and what doesn’t work for you ? Capricorn is a very practical sign. What are the things that you no longer need or want. There can be an internal struggle because the sun is in cancer. For example you may know you need to let this go of something or someone, but still feel attached to it. That is because the sun is in cancer making an opposition to the moon in Capricorn. Cancer energy forms emotional attachment to things and sometimes holds onto memories or feeling for longer than they should. This second Full Moon wants us to ask ourselves does this serve me in the future and if it doesn’t you must let it go. Don’t be to hard on yourself because we aren’t suppose to have it all figured out. But this full moon wants you to be practical and figure out what you want to bring with you into the next chapter of your life! Things are changing there is no doubt about that. Once Pluto moves fully into Aquarius get ready to see major changes in the collective and within your own life. We all need to know what works for us and what does not work for us because we must let go of what isn’t working in order to make room for what is next. A new chapter awaits for all of us! With Pluto moving into Aquarius we are all experiencing new territory none of us have been here before. So like I said before don’t be too hard on yourself, but this Capricorn Full Moon is asking you to be practical and take responsibility for yourself and the future you want to create


Cancer New Moon July 5th 2024