Solar Eclipse in Libra October 14 2023

The solar eclipse takes place on October 14 at 21 degrees Libra. Chiron and Pluto are big players in this eclipse and you will feel their energies. Chiron is conjunct the north node and opposing the eclipse. Pluto is also squaring the eclipse and Mercury. This eclipse is taking place in 21 degrees Libra. There is no doubt that this eclipse is focused on finding balance in your relationships. Whether they are personal, business, or any important close relationships in your life. Lessons around healing wounds of the past will be present. Chiron is the wounded healer and with Chiron conjunct the north node and opposing the eclipse the theme around healing wounds of the past in terms of relationships will be present. When do you give away to much of your power vs when do you feel empowered are two important questions to ask yourself. Where can you break the cycles in your life where you felt like your power was taken from you. With so much Libra energy in play think about ways you can find balance, peace, harmony, and see both sides in any important relationships in your life. Find the beauty of what it feels like to be in healthy relationships where both you and the other person feel heard and understood in an equal way. Eclipses can trigger important changes in your life. Be open to where you need to allow change to happen in your relationships. The energy of this eclipse will help you move in the right direction.


Solar Eclipse in Aries April 8th 2024