Jupiter in Gemini May 25 2024- June 9 2025

Jupiter the planet of luck, expansion, travel, and growth is moving into the sign of Gemini. This completes a 12 year cycle from the last time Jupiter was in Gemini. What was happening in your life in 2012? How has your life changed or does it need to change for this next 12 year cycle? Jupiter in Gemini wants us to expand our curiosity, get social, and GROW! Gemini’s love being social and communicating. Where are you lacking communication in your life? The energy of Jupiter will help you expand the areas of your life where you need to communicate more. It will also expand the areas in your life where you need to be more social and have fun! Gemini’s love having fun!!!! If you are a Gemini this is a LUCKY LUCKY time for you!!!! Get ready to expand your horizons and grow in the best ways possible !!!!! Use the energy of the last full moon, which was in the sign of Sagittarius to get things started. Even though Gemini and Sagittarius oppose each other, remember opposites do attract and the things that seem most challenging always help you GROW and EXPAND your horizons. Air and fire do work very well together in order to ignite things Just remember you can’t start a fire without a spark. Now is the time to figure out what sparks your fire and watch it grow !


Gemini New Moon 6/6/2024


Pluto in Aquarius