Saturn Retrogade in Pisces

Saturn in Pisces is about endings! How are you spiritually evolving through experiences you have lived through. During this retrograde it is time to review and slow down in the area of the your chart where Saturn is retrograding. What are you ready to complete and move on from or work through? Even if it is complicated and involves many layers Saturn is asking you to put in the hard work. 

Saturn is the ultimate task master. Pisces likes to hide and escape, Saturn wants you to look at something and Pisces is about your feelings and the things you cannot always necessarily see with the human eye. Saturn is helping you bring the invisible to life! What have you been hiding under the surface that you are now ready to see? During this retrograde it is a great time to explore anything you have swept under the rug or have hidden away. It is now time to shine light on all the parts of you and bring them to the surface for healing so you can share your full self with the world! The world needs you to show up as your authentic self, even if parts feel broken. Remember the broken parts let the light in. Keep shinning your light!!!


Cancer New Moon July 5th 2024


Cancer Season June 21- July 22 2024